Smart AMB Platform
The project is focused on the integration of information, the consolidation and the deployment of shared services of smart technologies and their implementation in the metropolitan sphere, which entail a development and improvement of the smart services provided to date. The shared services will be provided based on the Smart AMB platform, which is already implemented in the management of the network of parks and gardens and metropolitan beaches, as well as in the promotion of areas of economic activity and which, at present, incorporates more metropolitan services, such as public transport and waste treatment, can be incorporated into the platform, as well as new functionalities: the immediate opinion of citizens, a system for online complaints and suggestions, additional municipal information and the interrelation of management data.
Smart AMB Platform model could be exported to metropolitan municipalities with the opportunity to consolidate a shared technological platform.
Thus, the project includes the implementation of the metropolitan smart platform and integrated actions for sustainable development that will allow managing and interrelating management data with the opinion of citizens, municipal information and other aspects in services related to the management of metropolitan domains.
At the same time, metropolitan social and economic development through ICTs is fostered to reactive the territorial economic growing and the coordination of business services, making available public information that enhances business information as well as transparency and agility in the management of information for citizens.
I per l’altra, es fomenta el desenvolupament social i econòmic metropolità a través de les TIC per reactivar el teixit econòmic territorial i la coordinació dels serveis a empreses, posant a disposició pública dades que potenciïn la informació empresarial, així com la transparència i l’agilitat en la gestió de la informació per a la ciutadania.

- Contact Form
- C/62, num. 16-18, Zona Franca, 08040 Barcelona
- How to reach the AMB headquarters